-What are my feelings on the hiring of Kelvin Sampson for Indiana? First of all, any coach is an upgrade over Mike Davis. I don't think he is the best coach we could have gotten. I would of liked to of seen a Mark Few, Tom Crean, or a even a Rick Majerus (if he is still alive). Kelvin did a good job in Oklahoma, they were very consistent every year and he recruited well. In the NCAA Tournament, he failed to do anything special. The farthest he has gotten was the final four in 2002, where he ironically lost to Mike Davis and the Indiana Hoosiers. In conclusion, I'll just sit back, give the guy a chance, and see how he does.
-What a horrible finale to the Real World/Road Rules Gauntlet Challenge (No I'm not Gay). And if I see that Kina piece of shit walking down the street, I'm punching her in the face. Damn, is she annoying!
-They might as well end the contest of American Idol because that bald-headed Chris dude has it all wrapped up. (I'm aware he's no Clay Aiken)
-Apparently Jennifer Anniston and Vince Vaughn are planning a move to Chicago. I could not think of two better roommates to have. All I know is that I got top bunk.
-Wilmer Valderamma(the foreign dude from "That 70's Show") had some interesting things to say on the Howard Stern Show this past week. Apparently this guy has banged Lindsey Lohan, Mandy Moore (took her virginity), and Jennifer Love Hewitt. There are also rumors he was involved with Rosario Dawson, Jessica Alba, and Jamie Pressley. Lucky no talent piece of shit!
-Sports Illustrated picked the White Sox to win the World Series in 2006. I'm pleased that SI thinks so highly of my, but this magazine has a tendency to put a curse on teams that they pick to win. Unfortunately, I don't think the White Sox will be able to repeat. For one thing, their bullpen looks like crap this year. But more importantly, I believe that once you when the World Series its hard to have the necessary motivation to repeat.
-I watched the movie "Waiting" with Ryan Reynolds. They should of re-named the movie "Van Wilder Works at a Restaurant." Can the guy play another friggin character for once?
-How dare Issac Mizrahi grope Scarlett Johanson (Recently added to my Top 5) at the Golden Globes. Hey Issac, stick to the pole smoking and lay your hands off my woman.
-Reeses Puff Cereal tastes better dry than with milk.
-Is there anybody that Nick Lachey is not banging? I mean I even hooked up with him last night.
I'm Out!
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nice to meet you
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